Review Revue: Scritti Politti - "Wood Beez" b/w "Absolute"

Review Revue
Levi Fuller

It's time to add another band from the KEXP stacks to the long list of fascinating artists I should really become more familiar with - and would happily read a book about. Scritti Politti began 40 years ago in Leeds, and have been intermittently making music in various lineups ever since (with the most recent shows taking place just last month in Wales and Austria). A band with Marxist origins that opened for Gang of Four, had some moderate chart success in the '80s, was covered by Miles Davis, and later collaborated with Mos Def? I must know more!

For now I'll have to make do with the less-informative-than-usual ramblings of our 1984 KCMU friends - who really did seem to dig this single, for what it's worth.

"Yay! Domestic even. 2 songs, 2 versions of each."

"Pot very low. Good stuff!"


"I even like this!"

"Gorgous [sic] -->" [Arrow pointing to the face on the album cover, so I'm not sure if this comment is referring to the music or said face]

"ABSOLUTE is so perfect that its title is mere understatement."

"Is that s'posed to" [And the comment ends there. Nothing illegible, smeared, etc., just "is that s'posed to" and they're out.]


"GAWD these plastic sleeves are a bitch!"

"I saw a pin like the one he has on for $6.99 at Nordstrom, but I didn't buy it."

"Who gives a... Flying Fuck!? I mean - Really?!?!"

"*This is Absolutely the truth." [The asterisk seems to be connected to the "Absolute is so perfect" comment. So yeah, I guess it is s'posed to."

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