Editorial Guidelines & Principles

KEXP Editorial Guidelines & Principles

Last updated: 04-12-2024

Guiding Principles

At KEXP, our editorial guidelines are more than just rules; they are a manifestation of our core mission, vision and values, brought to life through the power of storytelling. Our commitment to breaking new ground in music journalism while upholding a steadfast accountability to our diverse audience is reflected in our editorial practices. To achieve this, we embrace the following principles:

  • Empathy, Curiosity and Integrity: We approach every story striving to understand the nuanced realities of the music world. Our narratives are both compelling and ethically sound.

  • Elevating Diverse Voices: We actively bring overlooked narratives and voices to the forefront to enrich our collective understanding of music and its impact on society.

  • Inclusive Storytelling: In each story we tell, we critically examine who is narrating, whose perspectives are highlighted and who holds influence.

  • Championing Music with a Critical Lens: Our coverage acknowledges both the beauty and the critical issues within the music industry.

Guiding Questions

In all of our work, we ask ourselves these questions to ensure that it adheres to KEXP values:

  • Does this champion music and discovery?

  • Does this foster connection and promote compassion?

  • Am I honoring our organizational values?

Anyone doing creative programming work at KEXP is beholden to these ethical standards – this includes our editorial team, KEXP staff and DJs, as well as outside freelancers. To further guide our team and foster a transparent relationship with our community, we are committed to the guidelines listed below. 

Editorial Guidelines

Reporting and Accuracy

KEXP Editorial pursues storytelling through the lens of its contributors (KEXP Editorial staff, freelance reporters and DJs) and the communities represented in the stories. With this, we back up any assertions represented by hosts or guests with verified reporting and fact-checking. 

Our stories always center music in some way. This can be directly speaking with an artist about the music they create or enjoy. It can also be speaking with someone who is not a musician about topics concerning music or their own personal taste (i.e. speaking with a therapist about music’s role in their work, asking an author about music that inspires them, etc.). Regardless of the story, there is a clear music focus and tie-in. 

Editorial Independence

While KEXP as an organization works with many different donors and sponsors for its funding, KEXP Editorial maintains its independence. Our stories are pitched by members of the editorial team, KEXP staff and freelancers, then reviewed and accepted by the team’s editors. Stories are selected without outside influence for personal or financial gain for ourselves, the organization, or KEXP’s funders.

Responsible Practices Policy 

In certain stories, it may be necessary to seek perspectives from various sides of an issue to ensure comprehensive coverage. Our editorial team rigorously evaluates each story individually and determines when additional input is required from other individuals or groups. 

If a story has the potential for broader impact or significant public interest, the editorial leadership will collaborate with relevant teams across the organization, particularly working with programming leadership, including the Chief Programming Officer and Programming Group Director. When the story is finalized and teams are aligned, they will develop a thoughtful communication strategy to ensure responsible coverage and transparency. For potential polarizing stories, we will define the type of storytelling this falls under for the audience. 

We maintain discretion in how we engage with potentially divisive or harmful subjects or perspectives based on these guidelines. We always approach viewpoints with fairness and nuance. It's important to note that our commitment to ethical journalism means we do not provide a platform for intentionally inflammatory rhetoric or hate speech.

Ultimately, our goal is to uphold the highest standards of accurate, well-researched, and multi-faceted content that serves the best interests of our audience and the broader community.

Types of Stories We Pursue

Stories take various different formats at KEXP which require different editorial processes. These are the main types of stories we pursue: 

Artist Profiles / Interviews

These will typically take the form of a one-on-one interview with an artist (or more voices in the case we’re speaking with a group or band). Artist profiles will typically focus on the artist’s singular perspective.

Assertions and claims are fact-checked by the contributor and editors as applicable. If the subject makes a direct claim, allegation, or accusation against a specific individual, we will reach out to the indicated person for comment. 

Reports on Music Industry News / Current Events

These types of stories warrant a “hard news” approach. They will often require multiple voices and interviews and are heavily researched and reported. 

These stories need to be inclusive and represent all sides of the issue, reaching out to comment from other parties as necessary. (For example, when we approached a story about lack of ADA accessibility in venues, we spoke with artists impacted and reached out to the venues for comment as well). We may not always receive a comment in response, but we should make the attempt and note in the story that we reached out for comment.

Commentary (Personal Essays, Roundtable Discussions)

These are stories that come from a first-person perspective and lean heavily on personal experiences and opinion. This may be in the form of a personal essay about an album or a roundtable discussion around a topic in music. 

Opinions expressed in commentary pieces do not directly reflect the views of KEXP. They are reflections of the commentator.  The commentary distinction does not mean the contributor can say “whatever they want.” While the views expressed are grounded in personal experience and their worldview, comments need to be truthful and adhere to these ethical guidelines. All works of commentary are reviewed and fact-checked by KEXP editors.

KEXP Programming Tie-Ins

These are stories unique to KEXP which directly reflect KEXP programming. These may take the form of DJs reflecting on programming days (i.e. International Clash Day, Music Heals, etc.), DJs sharing their favorite music, or stories and reflections sent in by listeners. These stories fall under these same editorial guidelines and processes. 

With all stories, KEXP editors review for truthfulness and adherence to ethics before publishing or airing pieces. All work, no matter the format, is reviewed by a KEXP editor – either the Senior Producer & Host, Associate Director of Editorial, or Creative Director, Editorial. 

What we broadcast and put online is edited for time and clarity. Whenever we quote, edit or otherwise interpret what people tell us, we aim to be faithful to their meaning, so our stories ring true to those we interview. 

As noted above, there are cases depending on the type of story where we will need to get a comment from someone on “the other side” of an issue. There may be cases that fall out of the scope of our definitions. Our editors work closely with these stories and will assess on a case-by-case basis when we need to reach out to other individuals for comment based on internal processes. With this said, we do not platform hate speech and will use discretion when approaching individuals with opposing views that may be considered inflammatory. 

Conflicts of Interest

Contributors should not pursue stories in which their personal or professional interests conflict with the reporting and may risk compromising our credibility. This includes contributors writing pieces about their own work outside of KEXP, promoting the work of personal friends and family, current and former romantic partners, etc. Even the potential perception of a conflict will be flagged and discussed by editorial leadership before proceeding. 


We understand that the nature of our work finds many of our staff and contributors a part of various groups which may overlap with coverage. Should a contributor’s personal life overlap with a story, this must be disclosed early in the editorial process. Editors must be alerted to any potential conflict of interest when a story is pitched and will determine if the story will move ahead with disclosure within the piece itself, reassigned, or tabled.

This extends to stories or features that include interviews or call outs to KEXP DJs whose outside pursuits may lend itself to coverage (i.e. playing in bands, running record labels, or any other manner of outside work). 

Expressing Views Outside the Workplace

KEXP Editorial does not prohibit contributors from expressing their perspectives on any world or cultural issues outside of work. Our editors will use their discretion in identifying if a conflict of interest could harm or negatively impact the reporting and work to eliminate biases that may arise. 

Uplifting Diversity in Reporting

KEXP Editorial believes in centering the voices of our contributors and allowing them to represent the communities they consider themselves to be a part of – whether that be race, sexuality, geography, etc. We do not believe this constitutes a conflict of interest, but instead adds a further dimension of understanding to the work. 

Takedown Policy

Generally, KEXP does not grant takedowns. When a request does come from a person who was featured or a community member, we take it seriously and investigate the issue thoroughly. If we do find that there was misinformation or inaccuracies in our reporting, we will run a correction and make note of it wherever it might appear online. If we find that a piece violated our own editorial guidelines, we will correct or retract that specific section of a story.

Our editors and reporters stand by our work based on the quality of our reporting. We are committed to ensuring quality first and second-hand sources, be they interview subjects or other ancillary texts that contribute to our reported pieces. That said, we are fallible and will make mistakes. When we do, we will issue timely corrections as appropriate and take accountability for our work. We are willing and ready to engage with our community on any questions and criticisms they may have.