On the show this time, it's the experimental-noise meets classic-rock-that-really-rocks, of the legendary Deerhoof.

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photo by carlos cruz (view set)

On the show this time, it's the experimental-noise meets classic-rock-that-really-rocks, of the legendary Deerhoof.

Deerhoof has existed in its current incarnation since 2008, a four piece with Greg Saunier on drums, Satomi Matsuzaki on most vocals and bass, John Dieterich and Ed Rodriguez on guitars.  Every member can and does sing, and also write. The original version of the band started in 1994 in San Francisco! They are beloved by fans and fellow musicians alike. They are a prototypical DIY band.  They are original, playful, thoughtful, and political.  They should be in the dictionary under the word “band.”   Their latest album Miracle-Level is available on Joyful Noise Recordings. As the label notes on their website — “It’s the band’s 19th album and the first to be produced, recorded and mixed entirely in a recording studio. All of the songs are in Japanese."

Recorded May 3, 2023.

  1. My Lovely Cat!
  2. Scarcity Is Manufactured
  3. Plant Thief
  4. Momentary Art of Soul!

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