Baby, We're Ascending

The Runcast
Hosted by John Richards

Musical notes, inspiring quotes, and songs that make you float from Sneaker Pimps, Automatic, The Reds, Pinks and Purples, and more..


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s. carey // PHOTO BY Peter Larson

Musical notes, inspiring quotes, and songs that make you float from Sneaker Pimps, Automatic, The Reds, Pinks and Purples, and more.

  1. S. Carey - Break Me Open
  2. Zola Jesus - Lost
  3. Automatic - Skyscraper
  4. Working Men's Club - Widow
  5. HAAi - Baby, We're Ascending
  6. First Hate - Commercial
  7. Good Looks - Vision Boards
  8. The Reds Pinks and Purples - Let's Pretend We're Not In Love
  9. Sneaker Pimps - So Far Gone (feat. Simonne Jones)
  10. Tempers - Nightwalking
  11. Seratones - Pleasure
  12. Dylan Moon - Deep Time
  13. The Haunted Youth - Shadows
  14. Pom Pom Squad - Popular (feat. Matthew Caws of Nada Surf)
  15. Rural Alberta Advantage - CANDU
  16. Papercuts - Lodger

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