Indie rock icon and Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy stops by Rainshadow Recording on his birthday for this live session during the THING Fest 2019 broadcast.
PHOTO BY jake hanson (view set)

Indie rock icon and Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy stops by Rainshadow Recording on his birthday for this live session during the THING Fest 2019 broadcast. After releasing two gorgeous, stripped-down solo records and a memoir in the span of a year, Jeff is back on the road with Wilco to promote their 11th studio album, Ode To Joy. Along with playing a few songs, old and new, Tweedy talks with KEXP's DJ Morgan about grief, album titles, his memoir, and free cantaloupes. Recorded 08/25/2019

1. An Empty Corner
2. White Wooden Cross
3. Family Ghost
4. Impossible Germany

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